- October 15, 2018
- 13:00-13:30
Welcome address - 13:30
Key note address 1
Dr. Bryan Reimer, MIT Research Scientist MIT AgeLab & Associate Director, New England University Transportation Center
“Redefining distraction and inattention in a changing mobility space” - 14:30-16:00
Sessions 1 & 2 - 16:00-16:30
Coffee break with a sandwich, exhibition open - 16:30-18:00
Sessions 3 & 4 - 18:15-20:30
Welcome reception at L’s Resto - 12:30-13:15
Lunch and exhibition - 13:15-14:15
Panel discussion ”Driver engagement during assisted driving” - 14:15-14:30
Poster session briefing - 14:30-15:15
Coffee/refreshment and poster session - 15:15-17:15
Session 7 & 8 - 17:15
End of day two - 17:30
- 19:00
Pick up and transport to the conference dinner - 19:30
Conference dinner at Imagine Gothia Towers
- October 16, 2018
- 08:00
Registration, mingling and coffee - 08:30-08:45
Welcome address and summary of the first day - 08:45-09:45
Key note adress 2
Penelope Sanderson, UQ School of Psychology, Queensland – interruptions in patient safety
“Interruptions and distractions in the healthcare workplace: conceptualization and impact” - 09:45-10:20
Special session
Anders Lie, Specialist Road Traffic Safety, Swedish Transport Administration – “Occupant status monitoring – a new element in the Euro NCAP rating program” - 10:20-11:00
Coffee, refreshments and exhibition - 11:00-12:30
Sessions 5 & 6 - 12:30-13:15
Lunch and exhibition - 13:15-14:15
Panel discussion ”Driver engagement during assisted driving” - 14:15-14:30
Poster session briefing - 14:30-15:15
Coffee/refreshment and poster session - 15:15-17:15
Session 7 & 8 - 17:15
End of day two - 17:30
- 19:00
Pick up and transport to the conference dinner - 19:30
Conference dinner at Imagine Gothia Towers
- October 17, 2018
- 08:00
Registration, mingling and coffee - 08:30
Welcome address - 08:45-09:45
Keynote address 3
Richard Schram, EuroNCAP
“Euro NCAP’s strategy on Assisted and Automated Driving” - 09:45-10:45
Session 9 (in plenary, no session in parallell) - 10:45-11:20
Coffee, refreshments and exhibition - 11:20-12:20
Session 9, cont (in plenary, no session in parallell) - 12:20-13:00
Lunch and exhibition - 13:00-13:45
Session 10 - 13:45-14:15
Closing Remarks and invitation to DDI2020 - 14:15
End of Conference - 14:30
- 17:15
End of day two - 17:30
- 19:00
Pick up and transport to the conference dinner - 19:30
Conference dinner at Imagine Gothia Towers